
Xiphias gladius


Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) are distributed world wide and are of significant economic value. They are prized for their firm white meat. This however has in times past contributed to their demise. Thankfully due to conservation regulations as well as their high reproduction abilities and rapid growth, Swordfish have made a tremendous come back and now provide a great year-round sport fishery. At one time, it was thought that they could only be taken at night, however, it was discovered that fishing close to the bottom in very deep water during daylight hours produced a high likelihood of a hookup.

Key West has proven to be a top notch area for the pursuit of this great gamefish. A typical day of swordfishing in the blue waters of Key West, will produce from one to five or more hookups, often culminating with aching muscles and one of the greatest of the giant billfish. Another nice feature of this trip is that the chance of other species, i.e. Dolphin, Wahoo, Blackfin Tuna etc. are extremely good and may be taken on light tackle while in the quest of your first Swordfish.

Swordfish in the Florida Keys

Swordfish is a well prized and most commonly served as steaks. Recipes for cooking Swordfish as well as other types of fish can be found on our Weekly Recipes page.


Swordfish Photo Gallery

Swordfish Fishing Locations

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